seen this popping up on everyone's blogs lately...funny thing cause i actually did it back in 2009 on facebook...anywho, i'll share it here too!
a...age: 28
b...bed size: twin...i have a very small room in which to live and craft
c...chore i hate: washing dishes...ugh that nasty water on my hands
d...dogs: lady who is a great pyrenees...i want an english bulldog someday
e...essential start to my day: breakfast
f...favorite color: usually pink, but it depends on the shade...really love gray too or silver: both although more gold than silver for a while...and i'm really into rose gold right now
h...height: 5'3.5"...yes, i need that half inch ;-)
i...instruments i play: none anymore, but i took piano lessons for nearly 10 years
j...job title: art director maybe one day after God sends along my prince charming southern us...home of the hogs...woo pig sooie...go razorbacks!
m...mother's name: denetta
n...nicknames: jess...and jessie only by some family
o...over night hospital stay: none as a patient...stayed overnight w/ my grandpa when he was there peeves: slow drivers...people who think they know me and judge me on their assumptions...people who can't make decisions - although i was like that for years...
q...quote from a movie: "a thousand times yes" - pride and prejudice
r...right or left handed: right...although i tried to be a lefty as a child which helped when i had a cast on my right hand twice
s...siblings: two half several really close friends who are like sisters
t...time i wake up: 6-ish during the week...whenever on the weekend...
u...underwear: yes, i wear them...
v...vegetable i hate: fresh broccoli
w...what makes me run late: procrastination
x...x-rays i've had: back...hips...arm...hand...neck...teeth...ankle...knee...
y...yummy food i make: cupcakes mainly...although i cook lots of other things
z...zoo animal: them all
~ jess
thanks for stopping by!!!
my story

- jessica - craftychicgirl
- child of God // daughter, grand-daughter, aunt, niece // lover of most anything Jane Austen related or period-piece // dark chocolate addict // collector of shoes, clothes and accessories // art director // painter // paper crafter //
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