listening: barton hollow album by the civil wars - i'm addicted to it!
reading: nothing lately. i started delirium by lauren oliver a few weeks ago. read the first few chapters in one sitting and then haven't picked it back up yet. the beginning was okay, but i just haven't been in a reading mood.
eating: junk. ha! but trying to get back to the 'good-for-me' stuff this week
drinking: a tropical green smoothie. so very yummy! best green smoothie yet.
wearing: wedge sandals because it's going to be in the 80s today.
feeling: horrid yesterday about myself for getting to my highest weight ever. as in - in my entire life! but i started counting calories again yesterday and went back to the gym and made better choices so today is a better day.
weather: sunny and just warm enough. it's a nice change after all the rain we had last week!
watching: enjoyed renting tintin and dream house from redbox over the weekend. loving fringe and the firm on my dvr.
waiting: until 11am this morning to get the addons from studio calico! oh and for good friday so i can go on a girl's weekend trip!
wanting: to stay on track and lose some of this weight.
needing: to take several boxes of clothes to the consignment shop today.
enjoying: this lovely warm weather!
wondering: about a lot! ha.
working: on becoming a better person.
pic above is a graph of my weight for the last 3 years...and the inflections are only for a 10lb range! i need to find the resolve to push past that as i need to lose about 80lbs. but it's so easy to stop and fall into old habits... must.stay.determined!
~ jess
a lot of times when i am in a bit of a creative rut i turn to pinterest to find some inspiration. either in layouts i've pinned, or color combinations i see, or design elements i come across or in this instance a saying that i ran across. as soon as i saw it i loved it and knew i wanted to incorporate it into a layout. i print up some pics that are just every day pics w/ no story behind them so i can add them to pages like this... here's the link to the original saying that i pinned...
this layout was created using the 'field guide' kit from studio calico along w/ elements in my stash...
~ jess
this layout was created using the 'field guide' kit from studio calico along w/ elements in my stash...
~ jess
makeup junkie i can't believe it's been over a month since i blogged! it's been a crazy month. just lots going on and on days i didn't have anything, i just didn't feel like blogging or even crafting. but that's pretty typical for winter for me. however it is feeling sooo like spring here right now --> as in it's going to be like 80 tomorrow! unfortunately due to not having a harsh winter, allergy season is being very brutal, especially to me. but i am finally starting to feel like myself again. looking forward to some spring cleaning and getting back to crafting.
today i just have a layout to share that i created a few months ago actually. i still have one or two more layouts i made that weekend that i need to share on my blog. so that's probably what i'll be posting this week just til i get back into the swing of things.
so i thought it would be fun to make a layout to show my devotion to seriously. i.can't.stop.buying!!! every week i'm buying something, usually either a nail polish, eye shadow or blush. and i take lots of pics of these looks and the products i buy/own, so i was trying to think of some layouts to document this..umm...hobby!
~ jess
today i just have a layout to share that i created a few months ago actually. i still have one or two more layouts i made that weekend that i need to share on my blog. so that's probably what i'll be posting this week just til i get back into the swing of things.
so i thought it would be fun to make a layout to show my devotion to seriously. i.can't.stop.buying!!! every week i'm buying something, usually either a nail polish, eye shadow or blush. and i take lots of pics of these looks and the products i buy/own, so i was trying to think of some layouts to document this..umm...hobby!
~ jess
thanks for stopping by!!!
my story

- jessica - craftychicgirl
- child of God // daughter, grand-daughter, aunt, niece // lover of most anything Jane Austen related or period-piece // dark chocolate addict // collector of shoes, clothes and accessories // art director // painter // paper crafter //