- jess
studio calico sunday sketch
this is the second challenge i participated in this week. it was for the sunday sketch at studio calico.
for some reason i had a very difficult time with this card. the first card front i ended up having to throw in the trash because i knocked it over while it was drying and smeared it all. this one isn't perfect, but i'm okay with that. i added the splatters to make the imperfections of the glittered areas look not so noticeable ;-)
- jess
for some reason i had a very difficult time with this card. the first card front i ended up having to throw in the trash because i knocked it over while it was drying and smeared it all. this one isn't perfect, but i'm okay with that. i added the splatters to make the imperfections of the glittered areas look not so noticeable ;-)
- jess
card challenge
i've been in a bit of a crafting rut lately. i've had lots of ideas for projects and during the day i can't wait to get home and jump right into them. but then when i get home i loose all that momentum.
so i decided to push past that this weekend and worked on a couple of challenges that i found online. i found this one from stamp away with me. while i couldn't officially participate in their challenge since i didn't have any wplus9 product, that didn't keep me from using this challenge as a jumping board for some creativity.
this is the card that i came up with and it was actually perfect timing as i needed a card for my niece's first birthday!
- jess
so i decided to push past that this weekend and worked on a couple of challenges that i found online. i found this one from stamp away with me. while i couldn't officially participate in their challenge since i didn't have any wplus9 product, that didn't keep me from using this challenge as a jumping board for some creativity.
this is the card that i came up with and it was actually perfect timing as i needed a card for my niece's first birthday!
- jess
thanks for stopping by!!!
my story

- jessica - craftychicgirl
- child of God // daughter, grand-daughter, aunt, niece // lover of most anything Jane Austen related or period-piece // dark chocolate addict // collector of shoes, clothes and accessories // art director // painter // paper crafter //