goodmorning! ah, i feel so much better now that i've got the cobwebs dusted off my blog! i kept putting off doing a design change as i thought it would be complicated and time consuming. turns out it was easy peasy and done in a few minutes. i used this template that i purchased on etsy. if you are reading this in your inbox or on a blog reader i'd love for you to pop on over and let me know your thoughts on the update.
on to my currents...
listening // still to podcasts every day at work. it's a mix of scrapbooking, marketing, religious and old time horror and mystery shows
reading // here's my goodreads list (hope you can see it...if not scroll to the bottom of my blog)
eating // it goes back and forth between junk food, salads and smoothies
drinking // lots of water and iced tea
wearing // sandals
feeling // amazing... i was sick last week and slept so much last friday that i'm feeling renewed
weather // starting to warm up w/ temps in the 90s this week...which i think is lovely
watching // a bit of youtube and season one of father dowling mysteries... don't judge, lol
waiting // for vacation...don't even have one planned yet!
wanting // to bottle up this energy i currently have
needing // to clean my crafting space
enjoying // marking projects off my to-do list
wondering // if i still have a chance of getting in shape enough to run...okay, jog... a 5k in august
working // on listening for the voice of God
what about you...what are some of your currents???
- jess
thanks for stopping by!!!
my story

- jessica - craftychicgirl
- child of God // daughter, grand-daughter, aunt, niece // lover of most anything Jane Austen related or period-piece // dark chocolate addict // collector of shoes, clothes and accessories // art director // painter // paper crafter //
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