sooooo it's true, i can't stop making cards!!! and i don't even share all the cards that i make here on my blog. here are a few recent ones...
- jess
july 2014 project life v.1
time for a project life update. i think last time i talked to you guys about project life i mentioned i was just going to go forward from the present and not worry about catching up on the past year's album. i mean honestly, of course i'd like to finish the other album but sometimes you just have to move on...for now.

with this new album i wanted to try a cleaner layout style. i figured i'd try it at least for a couple spreads or even all of july 2014 and see. if i wasn't happy with it i'd try something new. that's the thing with project life was that i hadn't found a style that was totally working for me.
but i've come to realize that i like a clean style for project life and then go with an artsy style for traditional full page layouts. so, that's what i've done and i have to say i'm really loving it so far. at least for right now this is very much speaking to me and i feel reflecting myself as well.
so that clean style for me means few embellishments, although i do love a pocket filled with confetti and sequins! i'm also loving minimal journaling that i add on the computer to the photos. this is also adding in some extra white space, which to me feels like a breathe of fresh air for project life. i love that once i've printed the pics, stamped them with a date and grabbed some cards i can quickly insert them into the page protectors and be done.

ha...funny and true story is i just realized i have duplicate journaling on two pics!!! oh well.
- jess
currents - aug 2014
listening // i've really been getting into classic audio books
reading // a bunch of devotionals and the Bible
eating // lots of squash
drinking // water and tea and too much pop
wearing // winged eyeliner most days
feeling // God calling me to a closer walk with Him
weather // unusually cool, although i'm not complaining!
watching // just a little youtube
waiting // for prayers to be answered
wanting // to be more diligent in exercising
needing // to finish project life for july
enjoying // this season of my life where i can spend extra time with friends
wondering // what the future holds
working // on being a better person
- jess
thanks for stopping by!!!
my story

- jessica - craftychicgirl
- child of God // daughter, grand-daughter, aunt, niece // lover of most anything Jane Austen related or period-piece // dark chocolate addict // collector of shoes, clothes and accessories // art director // painter // paper crafter //