it's been a while since i've posted any watercolors. and to be honest, i don't pull them out nearly as often as i'd like. which is kind of ironic since they seem to be the hottest thing in scrapbooking and cardmaking right now. i do love working with watercolors though not quite as much as oil based paints.
back in the autumn i decided to be brave and adventurous and create a watercolor for my friend's birthday. she plays the french horn so i decided to tackle that...then i looked them up online and whoa they have a lot of tubing going on. ha! so since this was just a piece for a friend, i found a few images and used them to create a rough trace. i then printed that light trace out onto watercolor paper and got busy putting the colors down. it took me several evenings to get it to the point i was happy with it. first i laid down the base colors then came back in several times to work on the shadows and highlights. and finally i took a pen and lightly did some drawing on the edges to define it even more.
i was quite happy with how it turned out and my friend loved it. looking at this piece again makes me want to go pull out my paints and get started on another piece...
- jess
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my story

- jessica - craftychicgirl
- child of God // daughter, grand-daughter, aunt, niece // lover of most anything Jane Austen related or period-piece // dark chocolate addict // collector of shoes, clothes and accessories // art director // painter // paper crafter //
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