

i've loved the idea of choosing a word each year to represent my hopes and dreams. i started in 2012 when i first heard about ali edwards' class. that year i took her class but didn't really follow through on the participation aspect though. the next two years i chose words, but didn't take her class. i figured if i hadn't followed through the first year then why take the class again. but one thing i've come to realize is that i need reminders in my life. so this year, i signed back up for her class and i'm looking forward to it.

another thing i've realized is that as i progress along this pathway, my words seem to speak louder to me each year. i've felt God nudging these words into my life and once i grabbed them they constantly find their way into my life in either a daily or weekly way.

2012 - MOVE
that year i wanted to move more. to move physically and lose weight and to move out of my comfort zone. i dropped the ball on that one.

i was looking to kind of latch on to any traction i'd made with move in 2012 and work on transforming my life. but once again my word seemed to vanish from my thoughts as the year progressed.

this past year was when i really felt strongly about God giving me a word. He also placed a song on my heart that helped to keep the word close to me. i was determined to follow through on some goals in my life and i definitely made some progress. i felt i'd lived up to my word.

2015 - ABIDE
this word came to me a couple weeks ago and i've felt it more strongly than i've felt any of my other words. i've felt God whispering it to my heart. He wants me to abide in Him. to abide in the moments and season of my life. to stop daydreaming and preoccupying myself when i'm in a moment i'd rather not be in. i need to stop and abide and gain what i can from that moment. it's only been a few days into the year but each day when i want to wish the day away and hope for another moment He gently whispers...abide.

- jess


  1. Very moving. Best wishes in the new year and with your word. Michelle t

  2. What a great word! Best of luck with the year ahead. Can't wait to read about your progress!


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