Goodness...Two posts in a row! Maybe I'm finally getting on a roll for this year. So last week I hinted that I'd be posting a project that I worked on that weekend. Well, I finally took some completed pics of it this weekend so I'm all ready to show it to you.
I have a really small space (old closet) to keep all my scrapbooking products in. And I used to use that space to actually scrapbook in as well. But then toward the end of last year I realized that I just hated going into that small space to scrapbook, so I purchased a folding table. It works out so well to just pull out that table and set it up in my room whenever I want to do some crafting. But one problem was still that I kept going back and forth to gather products to use. I was looking for some kind of carrier or storage unit that could store a lot of product that would make it easier by just moving that unit instead of individual items. When I came across this post on kinsey wilson's blog I knew I had to rush out and buy one!
I had actually never been inside of a Harbor Freight, but I knew there was one right down the road from my office. Even though I found such a great product there...I'm still not fond of the store. Anywho, I knew right away that I didn't want to leave mine black and I decided to make the sections gold glitter on the outside and shiny gold on the inside. This is the part in the story where I could have not shared my mistake with you and happily went along like I'm a perfect crafter...but I'm NOT!!! Haha.
So, here's a tip, if you want to cover up black with this gold glitter spray paint, I suggest you start with a plain gold first. Anywho, here you can see the paints that I purchased and the box of the storage unit.
I forgot to get a pic before I started so you can see a bit of glitter from these from the wind blowing it. I tried and tried to wait for a non windy day and even tried to use the house to block some of the wind. It worked out in the end as I wasn't trying to paint totally different colors...that could of been a
Okay, so here you can kind of see the beginning of my mistake. After I spray painted this one with the gold glitter I was noticing that some of the black was still coming through...not what I was looking for. At this point I should of switched over to the plain gold and then did a final spray with the glitter. But sometimes I just forge ahead without stopping to think. So I kept going with the gold glitter...and just toward the end, guess what!?! Yep, I ran out!!! So I would of had to run to the store 20 miles away to pick up some more of the glitter and I wanted to finish the project that weekend. So I made an executive decision to try and save the project by going over all the pieces with the plain gold. And you know what, it worked. And I ended up really liking the final project. It's not super glittery, but it ended up with a really nice texture.
As I was spray painting I used a mixture of newspaper and old boxes to keep the paint off the grass. And there were quite a few pieces to this storage unit.
No joke, after putting this thing together, the next day my hand/wrist hurt from working with all the screws and nuts. Each divider had to have four each. It took a few more minutes to put together than I thought it would, but it was a really easy project. The top two rounds have 5 dividers and the bottom two have 3 dividers. This was how it showed to put it together, but you could definitely switch it up to work the best for you. I'm fine with the way it's set up.
A top view showing the dividers.
This is how it looks filled up. Every time I use it I find myself adding a few more products to it. And I still have room for more!
This closeup you can see the texture that the glitter spray gave the sides.
A final view of it filled up sitting on my table I pull out to scrapbook on. One thing I'm a bit worried about is that it's a bit heavy after filling it up. I'm sure it was meant to just sit in one spot and every time I move it back and forth between the table and closet I have this fear it's going to fall apart...or things are going to fall out. So I've been extra careful about moving it.
I would definitely recommend this product to someone looking for a storage unit for their crafting space. It is $20 which is I think is a pretty good price. I did spend the extra money on the spray paint, but I bought the glitter paint at Michaels with a 40% coupon and bought the plain glitter paint at Walmart. If I had the space, I could definitely see having two of these...but a bigger crafting space is something that currently only appears in my dreams ;-)
Have a great day and enjoy some crafty goodness!
~ Jess
thanks for stopping by!!!
my story

- jessica - craftychicgirl
- child of God // daughter, grand-daughter, aunt, niece // lover of most anything Jane Austen related or period-piece // dark chocolate addict // collector of shoes, clothes and accessories // art director // painter // paper crafter //
It looks great! Yay for more organization.
ReplyDeleteAlyssa Dobbins