i have a fun little layout to share with you today.
a little story about this. my mom and i had been at the grocery store doing our weekly shopping. so at the end we decided to grab some donuts to as an afternoon snack once we were home. there was a huge rain shower that came through the area just as we were walking out of the store and by the time we got to our car, loaded the groceries and got in we were soaked. and it was raining soooo hard!!! so what did we do...we ate them right there in the car while waiting for the rain to let up.
i can be a bit of a prankster and someone who loves to irritate, and one way i do that is to grab pics of my mom (and friends/family) while they are eating and in mid bite. it always makes for the funniest pics. she threatened me if i posted the pics to facebook for all her friends to see...lol. so i told her i'd take one of me too to even it out. i laughed so hard and definitely wanted to get this memory down on paper...
oh...while i was making this layout i came across the dilemma of how to spell 'donut'... is it donut or doughnut. turns out both ways are acceptable. so i'm wondering, how do you spell it?
thanks for stopping by...i'm really enjoying blogging this spring and i hope you keep coming by.
~ jess
thanks for stopping by!!!
my story

- jessica - craftychicgirl
- child of God // daughter, grand-daughter, aunt, niece // lover of most anything Jane Austen related or period-piece // dark chocolate addict // collector of shoes, clothes and accessories // art director // painter // paper crafter //
super fun story for this LO! Love that! This is beautiful and the twine action is SOOOO awesome!