polish review - orly rage with sally hansen big money
i love some sparkly nails! ;-) sadly, so many glitter polishes are so sheer it's hard to wear them alone. but one of the fun things with owning so many glittery polishes is to combine them with other polishes and see what a lovely combination it creates.
so the other day i decided to combine orly rage, which is a lovely rose gold with sally hansen big money a clear polish with small gold glitter and chunky purple glitter. it turned out to be such a lovely combination. and oh my, in the sun does it ever shine!
both polishes are lovely on their own but layered together they totally rock. i had minimal tip wear but no chipping for the several days i wore the polish on my nails.
~ jess
vacation album
long time no blog posts :-/ just super busy here. tonight i'm going to start being on call 24/7 with our printer who's printing some catalog updates for the company i work for. every time they put a page on press i have to be there to approve it, which is every 2-4hrs. unfortunately i live about 30 min away, so it can make for some LONG nights. during the day my office is only about 15 min away so that isn't nearly as bad. looks like it's going to take them about all week to get all of our job printed, so i'm already looking forward to next weekend. ha!
anywho, i had a few minutes today and thought i'd try to get at least one post up this week. i found these pics on my desktop and realized i'd never blogged them!
last may my parents used their timeshare to go to a condo in panama city, florida and i was able to go with them and also take one of my really good friends, alyssa. we were there for a week and it was AMAZING! i definitely want to go back again. oh, we also spent a day at destin...
we spent a few days shopping, my favorite past-time ;-) one day we went to shell island. and of course we went to the beach several days...and i even had an encounter with a shark! here's a video clip we took on the beach talking about the shark.
alyssa's birthday is in july, so for her birthday last year i made her this album from our vacation. funny thing is i never got around to making myself an album! i need to get around to that soon...lol.
~ jess
anywho, i had a few minutes today and thought i'd try to get at least one post up this week. i found these pics on my desktop and realized i'd never blogged them!
last may my parents used their timeshare to go to a condo in panama city, florida and i was able to go with them and also take one of my really good friends, alyssa. we were there for a week and it was AMAZING! i definitely want to go back again. oh, we also spent a day at destin...
we spent a few days shopping, my favorite past-time ;-) one day we went to shell island. and of course we went to the beach several days...and i even had an encounter with a shark! here's a video clip we took on the beach talking about the shark.
alyssa's birthday is in july, so for her birthday last year i made her this album from our vacation. funny thing is i never got around to making myself an album! i need to get around to that soon...lol.
~ jess
29th year project life
so part of my 30 before 30 was to do a project life style scrapbook. if you aren't familiar w/ project life, it's just a neat way to document all the little things every day. i chose to build my own album, so i bought a martha stewart 8.5 x 11 binder and a mixture of full size and divided page protectors. i decided instead of waiting until january, which is when most people start their albums, i'm making a book for my 29th year of life :-)
i was and still am excited about this project. unfortunately this is always such a crazy busy time of year for me at work. so i'm already several weeks into my 29th year, but have nothing in the album yet. and sadly i'm going to be even busier for the next two-four weeks.
my plan was this weekend to sit down and get all caught up, but i only managed to squeeze in an hour or so this evening. but i'm happy at least to get it started. and it was pretty fun to be working on an 8.5 x 11 paper instead of 12 x 12. sometimes it's nice to change up things to just get a new perspective.
as i previously mentioned i'm going to be so very busy, so i may not get very many posts up for the next month. just a heads up ;-)
~ jess
week review
i swear the weekends are never long enough. last week was super chaotic for me. i hosted a baby shower friday night so every day last week i was running around to the stores buying supplies or at home working on decorations after work. it turned out really cute and we had a great group of ladies who came to the shower. i'll try to get some pics posted in a day or two.
also, i got 2 of my 30 cupcakes baked for me 30 before 30 list. both were made for the baby shower. i baked 48 white chocolate raspberry w/ raspberry buttercream frosting and 24 strawberry lime cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. no, we did not invite 70+ people to the shower. ha! we did invite close to 50 though and i just wanted to make sure there was plenty of cupcakes ;-)
on to the rest of today's post. a couple weeks ago on a sunday afternoon i sat down and got 5 layouts completed. i already posted this one on the blog, so here are the rest from that day.
~ jess
also, i got 2 of my 30 cupcakes baked for me 30 before 30 list. both were made for the baby shower. i baked 48 white chocolate raspberry w/ raspberry buttercream frosting and 24 strawberry lime cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. no, we did not invite 70+ people to the shower. ha! we did invite close to 50 though and i just wanted to make sure there was plenty of cupcakes ;-)
on to the rest of today's post. a couple weeks ago on a sunday afternoon i sat down and got 5 layouts completed. i already posted this one on the blog, so here are the rest from that day.
~ jess
thanks for stopping by!!!
my story

- jessica - craftychicgirl
- child of God // daughter, grand-daughter, aunt, niece // lover of most anything Jane Austen related or period-piece // dark chocolate addict // collector of shoes, clothes and accessories // art director // painter // paper crafter //